How to pitch for business: 5

This piece is part of a series of three articles on how brands can navigate uncertainty is confidence. Don’t miss our article on how businesses can respond to the latest consumer search trends, look out for an upcoming piece on why marketers should embrace experimentation in uncertain times.

After the enormous disruption of the past few years, we now find ourselves in a period of uncertainty. And amid that uncertainty, we are seeking answers.h

This is evident in the results of a global survey we recently conducted Ipsos. When a large purchase needs to be made, 60% of consumers in surveyed countries they need to conduct research in order to feel confident about making large purchase decisions.1 We also saw this reflected in jumps search activity over the past six months for terms ranging from “specials this week,” up 60% year on year,2 to “last minute flights,” up 90% in the same period.3 These trends present huge opportunities for any business ready to reach customers at just the right moment to convert searches into sales.

“The offline & online worlds are colliding. Traditional devices such as fridges, oven even billboards will all be modernized to leverage digital media.”

Why Digital Marketing Matters:

As a young kid in California, my experiences from the back seat of our car mostly alternat between: “Mom, when are we there?” and “Uh, look, McDonald’s, can we go?” whenever one of those 10-foot billboards popped up on the side of the road.

That’s because Google and Facebook generate more revenue than any traditional media company. After all, they control more eyeballs. That’s why digital marketing matters; it’s where the attention is.

  • 88% of people say that they’ve been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s video.
  • Viewers claim they retain 95% of a message when obtained via video.
  • 93% of brands obtained a new customer because of a video on social media.
  • The average visitor spends 88% more time on websites that have videos.
  • TIn 2022, video will account for 82% of all internet traffic.

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